Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday- :43 at the cemetery. Took Miles and he played in the dirt while I ran. Just an easy effort with some strides at the end. ~6 miles

Tuesday- :40 pushing Gannon in the jogger. Felt pretty good until the last couple steep hills then I could really feel the effort of pushing him. ~5 miles

Wednesday- :30 w/ 4x800 on the bike path. Splits of 2.26,29.36,31. I’m pretty much lost on what happened on the 3rd rep, didn’t feel like it was any slower than the other. Avg. of 2:30.5 which was about 2 seconds faster than last weeks avg.

Thursday - :30 on ET. Home with Miles. Weather really sucked and didn’t want to take him out in it. So just worked out indoors. Boring.

Friday- Home with Gannon…nothing.

Saturday- Suppose to race today, but stuck in STOP class, then guitar lessons, then to the school play. Nothing.

Sunday- 4mi around the section in the morning. Probably the earliest run of the year. Felt good…after two days off!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Recap of the Week

Happy Easter!

Well it wasn't much of week in terms of mileage, but the quality was ok.

m- 0
t- 4m tempo
w- 4 x 1/2 mi repeats on the bike path with Ken
r- 3m recovery
f- 4m tempo

Like i said it isn't much in mileage! didn't run a step over the weekend. Saturday had to go to church by 8 to help with spring clean up. then steph took kacie into town to get prom dress. then i had guitar lessons. sunday was spent at church at 8 again (b-fast) and then the rest of the day with family. walked in the door at 730pm.

this week want to get in 6-7 runs.

Friday, March 21, 2008

cruised 4m at lunch today in 24:16 with a closing 2:49 (5:38) 1/2 split. pretty windy out today, but it was downwind towards the end so that was nice. felt fresh and had some pop in legs from the start.

i am officially out of the mopac 5k set for next saturday. i have the distinct pleasure of attending STOP class for a ticket received last weekend on the way back from the Kansas wedding! oh well, would have been nice to race, but i've done that race and i've never been to STOP. :-)

hopefully get a decent run in tomorrow, because I would assume Easter will end up being in a 0.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

1/2 mile on the road

well did 4 x 1/2 mile repeats with ken (co-worker) over lunch today. weather was warm but really windy. the wind was a real issue on the last one, that, and i was worn out!

anyway did a short warm up and then 2:26, 30, 30, 41. like i said i was hurting on the last one. it was a solid start though. ken was about 1 minute behind on most, but still much better than being out their solo!

easy run manana, adios

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3m recovery run at lunch. nothing to exciting, clocked a 1/2mi split a little north of 3min. felt pretty easy, little tightness in left calf, but that's been a pretty consistent "pain" over the last month or so. planning on some 1/2mi repeats with ken tomorrow
actually after thinking about it a little more....thinking more along the lines of this 2 week schedule

m 4 tempo
t 3 ez
w :30 5'up/dn- 10x1' w/ 1' rest
r 3 ez
f 4 tempo
s 3 ez
s :30 5'up/dn- 5x2' w/ 1' rest
m 3ez
t 4 tempo
w 3 ez
r :30 5'up/dn- 3x5' w/ 2' rest
f 3 ez
s :60 long
s 3 ez

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

whats in a schedule?

just thinking out loud here....

what is my goal for running....i would say at the moment it's to get my 5k in under 17:00. last year i got down to about 17:15. secondary goal would be to improve on my horrid 1 mile road race time last year of just over 5min. i have won the local road mile on one occasion, regardless, was able to do it consistently in 4:30 range.

i think if i can get in the 4:40 range for the road mile, that will easily give me the speed to run sub17. but how do this with 4 kids????

i'm thinking of following something i read here.
well missed monday running too. weather was cold and raining. add to that a co-worker watned to go guitar shoppnig at lunch...well that was just too much. im getting really excited to get an electric guitar.

today finally ran for the first time since last friday...whata slacker. 4m at lunch in 22:39 and even managed to squeak out a 2:39 1/2mi split towards the end. felt rough for the first mile, i can thank that for no warm-up. once got up the first hill all was good and i was moving along pretty good. felt like 36 in the first mile and 26 in the last so that's a good thing.

planning on sometype of a workout on thursday...maybe 4-5 x 3:00...or somehting along those lines. and either a short workout or a long run on the weekend. we'll see what happens.

not a lot of family things going on this week...other than a post prom committee tonight and a church council meeting either wednesday/thursday, can't remember.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

0 for the Weekend

Well got to kansas and back, took in a wedding, and got a speeding ticket! what a weekend. luckily i can take the STOP class and not pay the insurance hike. Been pushing the speed limit the whole way back and finally ran into johnny law man about 25min from home. couldn't believe it.

anyway the wedding was nice and simple and got to talk to lots of family. first time many of them had seen gannon. we all had fun.

didn't run a step all weekend. started to head out for an easy run after we got home, but everything below the waist was in pain. had that "pins and needles" sensation in every joint. so bagged the thought of running for another day.

kelli, wes and chase (7 days old) came out for mexican food. good times.

Friday, March 14, 2008

and the excitement continues. 4.6 mi lunch run in 26:52 (5:50). two days in a row with a closing 1/2mi split of 2:45. weather was a little cooler, but was well above comfortable. hoping this "feeling" of speed continues. maybe i am the type of runner that neet to stay away from intervals? am going to try to just tempo when i feel good and just run the other days. then when (and if) i really pick a race to nail i may do a couple of low key 400 workouts to see what happens.

probably wont run a step tomorrow. leaving for a kansas wedding the early a.m. by the end of the summer i think all my cousins will finally be married...4 weddings between now and october.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

30:00 lunch run. man was weather terrific. managed short sleeve t! really worked some hills about 1/2 way through the run. felt strong and this got my pace going once the hills were in my rear view. managed a 2:45 1/2mi split towards the end without picking it up. so must have been movin pretty good last half of the run.
well got it all done yesterday.

first steph decided on a 03' kia rio. yeah it's definitely a smaller car, but it will certainly be kinder at the pump than our jeep liberty. so we left work at 1130 and drove to fremont to get the car. then i headed to get miles from school and steph drove her car to pick up gannon at day care.
by the time everything calmed down it was about 745. i headed out for a 30min run on the country rds. felt good and smooth the whole way. dusk is my favorite time to run. saw a few deer and a skunk. foreman (6mo boxer) made the whole run with me.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3m at lunch. ate my lunch wayyyyy to close to running. seriously felt full. no, i dont usually make a practice of eating before i run...but i was really hungry i guess.

anyway did an easy 3 and worked the last 1/2 mile in 2:33. i'd say i easily have sub 2:30 today. so hopefully that will continue to drop.

my 61 at the cemetery on sunday equated to roughly 4:55 and todays 1/2 is a 5:06.

later in the evening went for a 3m walk with steph, gannon and the dogs.

tomorrow may or may not run. going up to fremont with the wife at noon to look at new cars. the liberty is just too much of a gas hog to drive back and forth all week for her. so we're looking at downsizing that, probably a small 4-door. anyway if i can squeeze a run before needing to get Miles i will, if not, we'll have to wait and see


Monday, March 10, 2008

Planned week

thought having a loose plan for the week would be beneficial.

m- wife is out of town today, kacie has ortho appt
t- clean church
w- miles has teacher conf
sa- will have to reschedule

the running
m- 4 tempo
t- 3 w/ speed
w -tempo
r- 3 w/ speed
f- tempo
s- drive to kansas for wedding
s- drive back home

Sunday, March 9, 2008

nothing to exciting. after church finished up some stuff around the house. the headed to cemetery to run. wanted to do a 4m tempo, but stomach issues limited the time i wanted to be out. so ended up with 2m in ~11:45. No real warmup just jumped into it. so not bad. then rested a couple minutes and ended with 0.2mi in 61, which equates out to about 5:05. not bad. little faster than last week so thats a little bonus.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

training today consisted of.......0 miles. too much with the 4 chitlins running around the house and the wife in town.

i did manage to make it to guitar lessons today which as always was a blast. the wife bought me a new guitar for xmas. the coolest present ever! been playing lots of blues.

then managed to cram four pieces of pizza in for dinner at parents house. i feel like a slug right about now.

i think my basic plan for the next three weeks is to alternate between a 3 mile and 4 mile run. the 3 will end with a hard 1/2 mile. if i had to put a number on the effort i'd say 80-90%. the 4 mile run will be a tempo effort. most of these will be done over my lunch break as always.


Friday, March 7, 2008

3m at lunch in 18:15. geez, yesterday it was 45* and sunny. today it was -9* windchill with about an inch of snow/ice underfoot.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

4m at lunch in 24:06 (6:01/mile). rethinking again. done with 1 hour runs, probably done with the idea of doing a ultra...we'll see. my back just can't stand up to the pounding. going to concentrate on shorter, quicker runs and try to get ready for the mopac 5k. hoping to just beat 18 flat at the moment.

so basically going to alternate between 3 and 4 miles run at what feels like tempo effort. try to get one longer run maybe each week. only 3 weeks from the this weekend is the race. and the family is out of town for one of those. so we'll see about the "longer" runs.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

:30 elliptical machine. had planned on running at lunch (weather was ideal) but left shoes at home! what an idiot. anyway got something in. back and hamstrings have been a little sore...too much in the 1 hour runs? I dunno

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

:59 at lunch. Warmed up ~14min then 2x7:00 w/ 3min rest, then 1x ~1/2 in 2:55 into wind. Felt ok on each longer rep. Short rep was working hard. Cruised in hitting 6:20s the last ~21min. Seem to be able to cruise right around that 6:15-6:20 pace but when I tried to crank it up a little I really feel the effort. Need to start working on daily push ups, I think this can only help.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

:30 at the C. Ran 2 x ½ loop, 1mi tempo, 1 x ½ loop all on 3min rest. Times were 62/61/6:08/65. Felt ok on the first 2 reps, tempo was ok and last rep good start to feel it all. I think cramming in workouts in three runs was a bit much by today. Next week I’m going to only do workouts on Tuesday and the weekend. Hopefully that will lead to feeling a little fresher.