Tuesday, March 18, 2008

well missed monday running too. weather was cold and raining. add to that a co-worker watned to go guitar shoppnig at lunch...well that was just too much. im getting really excited to get an electric guitar.

today finally ran for the first time since last friday...whata slacker. 4m at lunch in 22:39 and even managed to squeak out a 2:39 1/2mi split towards the end. felt rough for the first mile, i can thank that for no warm-up. once got up the first hill all was good and i was moving along pretty good. felt like 36 in the first mile and 26 in the last so that's a good thing.

planning on sometype of a workout on thursday...maybe 4-5 x 3:00...or somehting along those lines. and either a short workout or a long run on the weekend. we'll see what happens.

not a lot of family things going on this week...other than a post prom committee tonight and a church council meeting either wednesday/thursday, can't remember.

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